At, we guarantee that every product you buy on our website is HSA eligible.*
When you purchase a product directly from us, your purchase history will be maintained should you need it in the future. If you need a copy of your receipt to verify the eligibility of your purchase from us, you can log into our site and go to your order history, or please contact us at with the info below and one of our HSA experts can help. Please include:
- Your Name
- Your Mailing Address
- The product(s) purchased from us
Please Note: We stand by our eligibility guarantee. If you are ever asked to pay a penalty and/or taxes for a product(s) purchased from us in connection with your HSA due to the product(s) not being eligible, we’ll provide you with substantiation for the product(s) in question. If the IRS continues to enforce the penalty, we'll refund you for the penalty and any taxes owed related to the product purchase in question (official proof of penalty and submitted documentation required). *This guarantee applies solely to purchases you make at and does not extend to any links we may provide for services/products at a third-party.