Band-Aid Flexible Fabric Adhesive Bandages, Assorted Sizes

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Band-Aid Flexible Fabric Adhesive Bandages, Assorted Sizes

SKU# 25601m
Shop more Band-Aid
SKU# 25601m
BAND-AID® Brand Flexible Fabric Adhesive Bandages are designed for comfort and flexibility with MEMORY-WEAVE® fabric and full-width,nonstick QUILTVENT® pads. Contains sterile bandages in assorted sizes.
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$5.99 - $12.99
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Band-Aid Flexible Fabric Adhesive Bandages, Assorted Sizes
$5.99 - $12.99

BAND-AID® Brand Flexible Fabric Adhesive Bandages are designed for comfort and flexibility with MEMORY-WEAVE® fabric that moves with you, so the bandage stays in place to cover and protect minor wounds. Made to fit over most minor wounds, the full-width, QUILTVENT® pad has air channels that wick away blood to help keep wounds clean and provide superior breathability. They are also nonstick for gentle and easy removal. This package contains sterile bandages in assorted sizes. Take your health to the next level with guaranteed HSA eligible First Aid products.



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